[ class tree: Image_Toolbox ] [ index: Image_Toolbox ] [ all elements ]

Class: Image_Toolbox

Source Location: /Image_Toolbox.class.php

Class Overview

PHP image manipulation class



  • 1.1.0


  • 2003, Martin Theimer


Inherited Variables

Inherited Methods

Class Details

[line 75]
PHP image manipulation class

This class provides an easy to use library to the PHP GD-based imagefunctions


version:  1.1.0
copyright:  2003, Martin Theimer
author:  Martin Theimer <>

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Class Methods

constructor Image_Toolbox [line 161]

Image_Toolbox Image_Toolbox( )

The class constructor.

Determines the image features of the server and sets the according values.
Additionally you can specify a image to be created/loaded. like addImage.

If no parameter is given, no image resource will be generated
string $file imagefile to load
integer $width imagewidth of new image to be created
integer $height imageheight of new image to be created
string $fillcolor optional fill the new image with this color (hexformat, e.g. '#FF0000')

[ Top ]

method addImage [line 927]

void addImage( )

Adds a new image resource based on the given parameters.

It does not overwrite the existing image resource.
Instead it is used to load a second image to merge with the existing image.

string $file imagefile to load
integer $width imagewidth of new image to be created
integer $height imageheight of new image to be created
string $fillcolor optional fill the new image with this color (hexformat, e.g. '#FF0000')

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method addText [line 1283]

void addText( string $text, string $font, integer $size, string $color, string|integer $x, string|integer $y, [integer $angle = 0])

Writes text over the image

only TTF fonts are supported at the moment

You can also use the following keywords ('left', 'center' or 'middle', 'right').
Additionally you can specify an offset in pixel with the keywords like this 'left +10'.
(default = 0)

You can also use the following keywords ('top', 'center' or 'middle', 'bottom').
Additionally you can specify an offset in pixel with the keywords like this 'bottom -10'.
(default = 0)


string   $text   text to be generated.
string   $font   TTF fontfile to be used. (relative paths are ok).
integer   $size   textsize.
string   $color   textcolor in hexformat (e.g. '#FF0000').
string|integer   $x   horizontal postion in pixel.
string|integer   $y   vertical postion in pixel.
integer   $angle   rotation of the text.

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method blend [line 979]

void blend( [string|integer $x = 0], [integer $y = 0], [integer $mode = IMAGE_TOOLBOX_BLEND_COPY], [integer $percent = 100])

Blend two images.

Original image and the image loaded with addImage
NOTE: This operation can take very long and is not intended for realtime use. (but of course depends on the power of your server :) )

IMPORTANT: doesn't work with PHP 4.3.2. Bug ID: 24816

negative values are possible.
You can also use the following keywords ('left', 'center' or 'middle', 'right').
Additionally you can specify an offset in pixel with the keywords like this 'left +10'.
(default = 0)

negative values are possible.
You can also use the following keywords ('top', 'center' or 'middle', 'bottom').
Additionally you can specify an offset in pixel with the keywords like this 'bottom -10'.
(default = 0)

Possible values for $mode:


alpha value in percent of blend effect (0 - 100)
(default = 100)


string|integer   $x   Horizontal position of second image.
integer   $y   Vertical position of second image. negative values are possible.
integer   $mode   blend mode.
integer   $percent   alpha value

[ Top ]

method getServerFeatures [line 225]

array getServerFeatures( )

Returns an assocative array with information about the image features of this server

Array values:

  • 'gd_version' -> what GD version is installed on this server (e.g. 2.0)
  • 'gif' -> 0 = not supported, 1 = reading is supported, 2 = creating is supported
  • 'jpg' -> 0 = not supported, 1 = reading is supported, 2 = creating is supported
  • 'png' -> 0 = not supported, 1 = reading is supported, 2 = creating is supported
  • 'ttf' -> TTF text creation. true = supported, false = not supported

[ Top ]

method newImage [line 245]

void newImage( )

Flush all image resources and init a new one

string $file imagefile to load
integer $width imagewidth of new image to be created
integer $height imageheight of new image to be created
string $fillcolor optional fill the new image with this color (hexformat, e.g. '#FF0000')

[ Top ]

method newOutputSize [line 791]

bool newOutputSize( integer $width, integer $height, [integer $mode = 0], [bool $autorotate = false], [string $bgcolor = '#000000'])

Resize the current image

if $width = 0 the new width will be calculated from the $height value preserving the correct aspectratio.

if $height = 0 the new height will be calculated from the $width value preserving the correct aspectratio.

$mode can be one of the following:

  • 0 -> image will be resized to the new output size, regardless of the original aspectratio. (default)
  • 1 -> image will be cropped if necessary to preserve the aspectratio and avoid image distortions.
  • 2 -> image will be resized preserving its original aspectratio. differences to the new outputsize will be filled with $bgcolor

if $autorotate is set to true the given $width and $height values may "change place" if the given image bias is different from the original one.
if either $width or $height is 0, the new size will be applied to either the new width or the new height based on the bias value of the original image.
(default = false)


return:  true on success, otherwise false


integer   $width   new width of image
integer   $height   new height of image
integer   $mode   resize mode
bool   $autorotate   use autorotating
string   $bgcolor   background fillcolor (hexformat, e.g. '#FF0000')

[ Top ]

method output [line 504]

bool output( [string|integer $output_type = false], [integer $output_quality = false], [bool $dither = false])

Output a image to the browser

$output_type can be one of the following:

  • 'gif' -> gif image (if supported) (8-bit indexed colors)
  • 'png' -> png image (if supported) (truecolor)
  • 'png8' -> png image (if supported) (8-bit indexed colors)
  • 'jpg' -> jpeg image (if supported) (truecolor)
(default: same as original)

If this is true than dither is used on the conversion from truecolor to 8-bit indexed imageformats (png8, gif)
(default = false)


return:  true on success, otherwise false


string|integer   $output_type   type of outputted image
integer   $output_quality   jpeg quality of outputted image (default: IMAGE_TOOLBOX_DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY)
bool   $dither   use dither

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method save [line 620]

bool save( string $filename, [string|integer $output_type = false], [integer $output_quality = false], [bool $dither = false])

Save a image to disk

$output_type can be one of the following:

  • 'gif' -> gif image (if supported) (8-bit indexed colors)
  • 'png' -> png image (if supported) (truecolor)
  • 'png8' -> png image (if supported) (8-bit indexed colors)
  • 'jpg' -> jpeg image (if supported) (truecolor)
(default: same as original)

If this is true than dither is used on the conversion from truecolor to 8-bit indexed imageformats (png8, gif)
(default = false)


return:  true on success, otherwise false


string   $filename   filename of saved image
string|integer   $output_type   type of saved image
integer   $output_quality   jpeg quality of saved image (default: IMAGE_TOOLBOX_DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY)
bool   $dither   use dither

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method setResizeMethod [line 725]

bool setResizeMethod( string|integer $method)

Sets the resize method of choice

$method can be one of the following:

  • 'resize' -> supported by every version of GD (fast but ugly resize of image)
  • 'resample' -> only supported by GD version >= 2.0 (slower but antialiased resize of image)
  • 'workaround' -> supported by every version of GD (workaround function for bicubic resizing, downsizing, VERY slow!, taken from comments)
  • 'workaround2' -> supported by every version of GD (alternative workaround function for bicubic resizing, down- and upsizing, VERY VERY slow!, taken from comments)


return:  true on success, otherwise false


string|integer   $method   resize method

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